What happens during the first session?


Your first consultation with a Quirky Kid Psychologist is an important step in understanding your child's needs and developing a support plan. This article outlines what to expect during your initial session, how to prepare, and what follows.

Session Structure and Participants

The first session is a 50-minute parent-only consultation. This approach allows us to clearly understand your concerns and begin formulating a case plan for your child. It's also an opportunity for you to share your observations and discuss your goals for seeking psychological support.

Preparing for Your First Session

  • To make the most of your first consultation, we recommend that you bring a pen and paper for note-taking. Preparing a clear summary of your concerns is helpful, trying to be as objective and informative as possible. We encourage you to be open and honest about your feelings and experiences. Remember, you're coming ready to work as part of a team with your psychologist, so your input is valuable.
  • Before your first session, you will be asked to complete your intake form via email. This includes a detailed intake form, a consent form you'll need to read and sign, and our service's Terms and Conditions, which you must agree to. These steps help us gather essential information and ensure you understand our services before the consultation begins.

During the Consultation

  • Your psychologist will invite you into the consulting space for the session. They will ask questions about your child's history and current situation, as well as inquire about your family history. You'll have the opportunity to discuss what you hope to achieve through psychological intervention or assessment.
  • By the end of your first session, you will likely have provided helpful background information, agreed on initial therapeutic or assessment goals, and defined a list of priorities for moving forward. This information forms the foundation for the next steps in supporting your child.

What Happens Next?

Following your initial consultation, the next step is for the psychologist to meet with your child. This session is crucial for building rapport and understanding your child's perspective. Our psychologists are trained to engage young people through various methods, not just talking.

After the child's session, your psychologist will make recommendations. These often involve sessions with your child, standardised assessments, or case conferences with other professionals in your child's care team. The exact plan will depend on your child's specific needs and circumstances.

What Not to Expect from Your First Session

It's important to understand that your first session is just the beginning of the process. Your psychologist cannot provide a diagnosis after the first session, as diagnostic assessments may involve multiple sessions, observations, and tests. Additionally, there's no "quick fix" to resolve complex issues.

Effective treatment typically involves a cycle of intervention, collaboration, monitoring, evaluation, and further intervention. It requires regular cooperation between the psychologist, parents, and other caregivers involved in the child's life. This ongoing process allows for adjustments and ensures the best possible support for your child.

Reports and Billing

Please note that the first session does not include a report or letter.

For more information on billing and additional services, we have a separate article that provides detailed information on these aspects of our service, such as our Schedule of Fees and 'How do we bill for our services'.


Your first session with a Quirky Kid Psychologist is important in understanding your child's needs and developing a supportive plan.

You can make the most of this initial consultation by coming prepared and knowing what to expect. If you have any questions before your appointment, please don't hesitate to contact our clinic. We're here to support you and your child on this journey.

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