Schedule of Fees

This document outlines the fees and charges for psychological and related services. It constitutes our costs agreement and disclosure pursuant to our obligations. This schedule is based on the national schedule by the Australian Psychological Society (APS). Prices do not include GST. This schedule is valid from July 2024 to June 2025.

Please become familiar with this document, as all services we deliver are charged accordingly. You should read this document in full.

Please pay special attention to the following:

  1. Our cancellation and/or re-scheduling policy is strictly observed. A cancellation/reschedule fee will apply without 48 business hours' notice.
  2. Reports or any written documents are not included in the cost of a standard consultation and are charged separately. 
  3. A minimum fee equivalent to 30 minutes of any service applies to all requests.
  4. Provisionally registered psychologists are not registered with Medicare. As an offset, Quirky Kid provides a 20% reduction on our standard rates, for consultations with provisional psychologists for all sessions after the initial consultation. 

Clinical Services

The costs presented below detail our rates for psychological services. Rates vary depending on what psychologist is assigned to your child.

IO3 Standard hourly rate for services delivered by a Provisional Psychologist in the clinic via email or phone to a client or other parties  (1,2,3). $264 Hour
IO3.1 Standard hourly rate for services delivered by a Registered Psychologist in the clinic via email or phone to a client or other parties  (1,2,3). $330 Hour
IO3.2 Standard hourly rate for services delivered by a Clinical or Senior Psychologist in the clinic via email or phone to a client or other parties  (1,2,3). $350 Hour
IO3.3 Standard hourly rate for services delivered by The Principal Psychologist in the clinic via email or phone to a client or other parties  (1,2,3). $560 Hour
HN5 Corporate consultancy or training $560 Hour
HN4 Services involving high-conflict cases, disputes, court or any legal matters (existing or intending)  (7) at 1.5 x the psychologist's rate Hour
TT4 Psychologist travel time.  (8) $231-$560 Hour
CM4 Case management, mentoring or administration support  (4). $160 Hour

Assessments or Reports

The costs presented below are an estimation only, and the total cost depends on the complexity of the assessment and report.

PS1 Intelligence and Cognitive Ability Tests  (6,9)   $1760 Estimate
PS2 Educational Achievement Tests  (6,9) $1837 Estimate
PS3 Autism Diagnostic and Developmental Tests  (6,9) $1837 Estimate
PS4 Behaviour or Screening Tests  (6,9) $1089 Estimate
RO1 A letter, File Review or Report Writing (5, 6) as the psychologist's hourly rate Estimate


In addition to the consultation costs, administration fees and charges apply as described below. 

AD1  International calls $8 Unit
AD2 Postage and handling (e.g., reports or important documents) $33 Unit
AD3 Printing Disbursements  $33    Unit
AD4 Travel cost (8) $50 Unit
AD5 Subpoena or file preparation and copy (7) $330 Unit
AD6 Account-keeping fee for unpaid accounts $15 Month

Workshops and Programs

WK1 School Holiday Workshops $320 Session
WK2 Term Programs $1089


Notes and Explanation

  1. Rates vary between psychologists. If sessions continue after the first hour, we charge in 15-minute increments. A minimum fee of 30 minutes applies to all services. These items do not include reports or any written documents. Fees are charged per professional per hour. Not all services we provide are eligible for Medicare or private health rebates. These items are not to be confused with Medicare Item numbers. Medicare services are delivered per Medicare guidelines and are not covered in this schedule. 

  2. Psychologists are registered with The Board and Medicare. Provisional Psychologists are registered with The Board but NOT with Medicare. Rates for individual consultation with Provisional Psychologists are reduced by 20% from the standard rate per practice discretion.

  3. A case conference is a consultation between the psychologist and others, typically outside the clinic setting. This rate is for professional time only and other fees like travel time and costs may apply. 

  4. Case management is charged when communication between the client, another person involved in the case and the psychologist is required or when additional coordination is required. 

  5. Report costs are calculated not only on a time basis. Additional time may be required to complete a report or assessment, and when this occurs, fees are calculated and will be charged as per item IO3.* of this schedule. Professional letters to medical or referral agencies concerning the client's treatment needs are not considered to constitute reports. Letters are charged as per the RO1 item on this fee schedule or billed hourly if necessary. 

  6. A report is a psychological service directly requested by the referring agency or client. Reports require explicit written or verbal consent from the client or a legal guardian. Reports must comply with rigorous professional and clinical standards and are a structured presentation typically including such components as relevant psychological history, history of presenting issues, present conditions, test results, interventions, and recommendations. 

    Please note that report length and charging arrangements vary according to the specific requirements of the requesting client or agency. The following formula is used to help calculate the final report fees:

    Report Cost (RC) = File Review (Fr) + Professional Writing Time (Pwt) + Review time (Rr) + Administration Time (At).

    As a guide, the starting cost of a brief psychological report is $950.

  7. This item includes any work carried out concerning a high-conflict case or a complex or legal matter and may include the review of documents, case management, case conferences, affidavit preparation, expert witnesses, court attendance, provision or testimony. Fees for this service are higher considering the additional complexity, intensity and disruption of service.

    The court attendance rate for less than one hour is $1100 plus administration fees. For prolonged attendance, items of more than two hours, each additional and consecutive hour after the initial two hours are charged at a rate of $770.

    Costs to produce a subpoena may be higher depending on the size of a file.

  8. Travel time is charged for psychologists commuting to and from the clinic setting (transit). The cost of the travel (personal vehicle or taxi) is charged as per item AD4 or more when required. Air travel must be premium economy or business class fare with insurance. Accommodation is at a minimum of a 4-star hotel including breakfast. The principal psychologist's travel rate is as per the billing item.

  9. Psychometric tests are not the same as Psychological Assessments. The fees for each test include psychologists' time allocated for parent interviews and feedback, test administration, scoring, and interpretation of results and report writing. In some cases, additional time may be required to complete a test, which will be charged as per the standard hourly rate. Psychological assessments may require multiple tests and other clinical interviews. 

We reserve the right to update this schedule at any given time. The most updated version will always be found on our website.

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