COVID-19 and Other Infectious Diseases Policy


At Quirky Kid Clinic, we prioritise our clients' and staff's health and safety while providing continuous support to you and your family. This article outlines our policies and procedures regarding infectious diseases and consultation options.

Key Points

  • Online or phone consultations are mandatory if you or your child are contagious.
  • Face-to-face appointments are available with standard health and safety measures in place.
  • We follow current health guidelines to ensure a safe environment for all.

Consultation Options

Online or Phone Consultations Online or phone consultations are mandatory if:

  • You or your child have a confirmed infectious illness
  • You or your child are experiencing symptoms of a potentially contagious illness
  • You have been in close contact with someone who has a confirmed infectious illness

Clinic Visit Guidelines

When attending the clinic in person, please follow these important hygiene practices.

When you come to the clinic, please wash your hands thoroughly before and after your consultation or use the hand sanitiser provided. This helps reduce the spread of germs and protects you and others in the clinic.

Managing Your Bookings and Cancellations

You can manage your appointments through our online portal up to 48 hours before your consultation. If you need to make changes after this time or have any questions, please get in touch with customer support.

For cancellations due to illness or other extenuating circumstances within 48 hours of the cancellation window, please look at our Cancellation Policy. This policy outlines how to apply for consideration under extenuating circumstances and any applicable fees or waivers.

Additional Information

In addition, Quirky Kid works towards following the guidance of the World Health Organisation, government bodies and our professional associations for further updates on managing any contagious diseases.

  • Australian Government Department of Health: The Department of Health has developed a collection of resources for the general public, health professionals, and industry about coronavirus (COVID-19), including translated resources.


We are committed to providing safe and effective care for your child. By working together and following these guidelines, we can minimise the risk of infection while ensuring continuity of care. I appreciate your cooperation

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