Service delivery under the NDIS


At Quirky Kid Clinic, we are committed to supporting children and families through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). This guide explains how we structure our services for NDIS participants and provides essential information for families considering our support.

Our NDIS Registration

Quirky Kid is a registered NDIS provider under the Capacity Building - Improved Daily Living Support Class. We are registered to deliver services under:

  • Therapeutic Supports (Category 15)
  • Current Billing items: 15_054_0128_1_3 or 15_001_0118_1_3

Self-managed clients may access services under other categories, but only some of our psychologists provide services under the NDIS.

About the Categories

The Therapeutic Supports Category (15) includes:

  • Assessment
  • Training
  • Development and/or therapy to increase skills for independence and community participation

These supports can be delivered in groups or individually. They aim to facilitate functional improvement for participants with an established disability who have reached maximum medical improvement.

Our Therapy Services

Our therapy services under the NDIS focus on:

  1. Developing a detailed support plan with clear expected outcomes
  2. Linking therapy goals to the participant's objectives and aspirations
  3. Assessing, planning, and delivering Disability-Related Health Supports

Our services can only be used to assess, plan, and deliver Disability-Related Health Support. These services must directly relate to a participant’s significant and permanent functional impairment and assist them in undertaking activities of daily living. 

Fees, Charges and Pricing

The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) sets price controls for certain NDIS supports. As a registered provider, we adhere to these price limits.

Our Service Process for NDIS Participants

We use a two-stage process for NDIS participants to help plan and implement our treatments

Stage 1: Review and plan

  1. Initial consultation with the parent (1 hour) and Child (1 hour)
  2. Review of Reports and documents (1 hour)
  3. Commencement Plan development (1.5 hours)

This stage requires parents to pre-approve 4.5 hours of our psychologist's time.

Stage 2: Treatement and Evaluaiton

  1. Completion of a pre-intervention functional assessment for planning, monitoring, evaluation
  2. Intervention Block (face-to-face, phone consultations or third parties, such as schools or other providers)
  3. Therapy Report preparation/Progress/Review, including a post-evaluation functional assessment for, monitoring, evaluation|

You pre-authorise stage one by confirming your referral.

Estimate for other reports are listed in the above below:

Stage Duration
Intake Review and Commencement Plan Preparation 4.5 hours
Pre-Intervention Functional Assessment 4.5 hours
Post Intervention functional assessment and progress report 5 hours

Note that a Commencement Plan is different from a  Service Agreement. A Commencement Plan is a structured brief report summarising all the information obtained from reports, consultations, and the NDIS Plan to develop an intervention plan before the start of the Intervention. 

Important requirements 

When you refer your child to The Quirky Kid Clinic under the NDIS, we request you agree to the following:

  1. Check our Exclusion Criteria before making a referral
  2. Complete Stage One (minimum 4.5 hours of service)
  3. Review and approve the Commencement Plan
  4. Complete a pre-intervention functional assessment
  5. Schedule the Intervention Block as recommended
  6. Participate in the Progress Review Report process

About our Exclusion Criteria

Our team aims to support as many children and families as possible, however at present Quirky Kid is unable to take on NDIS clients who:

  • Are non-verbal
  • Have been diagnosed with a Moderate or Severe developmental delay
  • Have been diagnosed with ASD Level 3
  • Display behaviours that require restraint
  • Require wheelchair access (Sydney Clinic)

About Therapy Reports

Therapists must provide progress reports to the participant and the NDIS at agreed times.

The time to prepare the reports is approximately 4-6 hours. A provider may charge for the time taken to write a therapy report requested by the NDIA and claim this against the appointment at the hourly rate for the relevant support item. 

Providers may also charge for any other NDIA-requested therapy report stipulated as required in a participant’s plan.

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